
Send from a custom domain

Once you're ready, sending from your own domain is a great way build authority with inbox providers (highly recommended!) and to present yourself as a legitimate business to subscribers.

It can also improve your deliverability considerably. Here's how to set it up:

1. Go to Settings > Custom Domains

...then click the Add domain button to begin.

You can send emails from your root domain ( or a subdomain (like

If just starting out, the root option is easiest. Some people think they can trick Gmail by using different subdomains (usually spammers). This is old info. Gmail is good at using other factors to tie together your mailstream/reputation, regardless of domain.

2. Add DNS records for Domain Authentication

Go to the DNS provider for your domain and add the unique records we generated based on the domain you entered.

Your DNS provider or domain registrar should have a guide for how to do this if you're having trouble, however also feel free to reach out to us ([email protected]).

Troubleshooting (GoDaddy, Cargo, etc.)

Some DNS providers like Godaddy automatically reference your root domain in the hostname field. If you're struggling to get green checkmarks, try changing the hostname of the records we provided like this:

  1. For any hostname where the value is your root domain (eg., enter the @ symbol instead.
  2. For any hostname where the value is a subdomain (eg., enter only the subdomain (mail).
  3. Make sure you only have ONE spf record. Godaddy in particular gives you a placeholder one by default, this will screw up your domain authentication when sending emails.

Since DNS is part of the 1980s backbone to how the internet works, depending on your ISP, changes may take a while to "propagate."

If you're sure the records were added correctly, but they still aren't verified, try coming back in 24 hours to verify again.

February 15, 2024
Published via Audienceful